Dual task education for providers- Parkinson’s Foundation of Western Pennsylvania

A day of education for healthcare providers and exercise professionals, with Portuguese physiotherapist Josefa Domingos and American speech-language pathologist, John M Dean.

Friday, October 25, 2019, with generous support from the Parkinson’s Foundation of Western Pennsylvania (PFWP).

LOCATION: Allegheny Health Network – Suburban Campus, 100 S. Jackson Avenue, Pittsburgh/Bellevue, PA 15202

Join us for a special day of education on dual task exercise for Parkinson’s with practical applications to the clinic and the home.


9AM-1:15 – 4 Hours of accredited CEU’s on dual-task exercise education for rehab clinicians and exercise professionals.


2PM-4PM – 2 hour hands-on clinical lab in a rehab gym, demoing tools and techniques

Due to a generous grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation of Western Pennsylvania, we are pleased to be able to provide this unique program for only $40 for 4 hours of accredited continuing education.

Healthcare professionals and athletic trainers can register here


(Continuing education credits are provided for physical and occupational therapists as well as for certified athletic trainers)

Contact us if you need any additional info or have any questions

 John@JohnMDean.com | 720-464-6146